10/01/20 – Newsletter Winter Edition

Spring forward without Injuries!

Yes, the spring weather may be deceptively early (while it lasts!), but it still entices us to get up and go with the gardening, cycling, walking or numerous other activities that we avoid during the winter. This is all great, but as the body is waking up from winter, it is important to ease yourself into your summer routines gently, so as to avoid any injuries.
Here are a few tips I give my patients at this time of year to keep them happy, healthy, and out of the doctors/osteopath’s room:
- Don’t be a hero…
If you haven’t been for a run in 4 months, it’s generally not a good idea to go straight back to where you left off, but to build up the length of time and distance gradually. This applies to walking and other sports too. This is not only from a fitness perspective, but to keep your tendons happy. If there’s one thing tendons don’t like? Change. Build it up so they don’t notice, and it’s plain sailing. Change something quickly, they grumble! So keep those hundreds of tendons smiling and ease yourself back into those old summer exercise routines.
2. Variety is the spice of life
Call to all gardeners who must just weed that last border, or restorers of old cars and those with other tinkering regimes: we are not made to be in one position for extended periods of time.So even if there’s one more annoying patch of weeding to do, or one more car seat to fit, give your back a break, and do a different job which requires a different posture… or better still, have a wander and make yourself that cup of tea. After all, you deserve it Jand your back will thank you for it. (And your osteopath will be very proud).
3. Get some sunshine !
My final tip is to make the most of this nice weather… living here it could disappear tomorrow. So, if it makes you smile and gets you outside, go and enjoy! Too often we find ourselves putting off those things we want to do for things we feel like we have to do. When was the last time you did something just for you to enjoy?At this time of year the sunshine gives us a boost to get going. Use this motivation for everything, including just simply to have some fun.